Transformational Course Experience with Igor Galibov

Your energetic state creates matter.
It creates your reality. 

When you're aware of your energy bodies and energetic field,

you can transform your reality.

Energy bodies are the first vibrational extension of yourself into the field—

where you magnetize everything in your life.

When you harmonize with your energy field

and create a symbiotic relationship between your energetic and physical body—

you have mastered your reality.

6-Week Online Course

Course materials including recorded practices, and guided meditations will help you gain the skills to navigate your life with ease, connect with your soul purpose and manifest your dream reality.


Create beautiful connections with fellow students, seekers and practitioners worldwide.

Join a supportive and loving community that values spiritual growth and self-development.

Real Support

Weekly Q&A calls

Participate in an interactive environment through daily check-ins, weekly Live Q&A calls with Igor, and powerful, integrative challenges alongside other members of the Alignment of Light Academy.


💫 Daily Breathwork Practice
Receive video and text guides for powerful breathwork practices that will increase your life-force, and support you throughout your journey.

💫 Organs Education & Activation
Overview of all organs & their emotional, spiritual and physical associations. Meditation to connect to each organ and activate the energy flow of these areas.

💫 Brain Education & Activation
Overview of all parts of the brain, the 12 major nerves, and the connection to the emotional, mental, and spiritual planes. Meditation to connect and activate the energy source of these areas.

💫 Introduction & Activation of Energy Bodies
Deepen your knowledge on the layers of the energy body. The Etheric Body, Emotional, Heart Flow Energy Body, Mental, and Astral & Causal Body; as well as the 12 chakras and beyond.

💫 Toroidal Field Education & Activation
Overview of the nature and structure of the toroidal field in the body. Meditation to connect to your body's toroidal field.

💫 Karmic Healing
Guided Healing Meditation to  support you in releasing karmic patterns in your electromagnetic field, as well as your energetic, emotional, mental, astral and causal bodies.

"The clearer you are,

the easier you can connect to your true essence."

Healing the organs and energy bodies open up a vast flow of energy,

which activates the power centers of the body.

When you activate the prana (life-force), you strengthen your ability to create

and manifest in this physical world. 

If your organs are working in synchronicity, all your glands are activated

and your energy bodies are balanced.

Wherever you come to in life—whatever that you are doing in your work, home,

in your relationships—these things will become balanced too.

You’ll be operating in a new frequency vibration. 

Everything has a frequency vibration, so you must first raise your vessel to the frequency vibration that you want to perceive your reality through.

This is why I've created the ‘Master Thyself’ course, to help you set up a stronger foundation in order to create the reality that you truly desire. 

Not only that, but it will inevitably help you in your personal, spiritual, and abundant life.


HOW and WHY the physical body operates the way it does (the roles each organ and function plays) and how it connects to, operates with, and supports your energetic bodies.

As within, so without.

You will learn how to take full control of your mind, body and spirit, in order to create a ripple affect in your physical reality, and manifest a soul-aligned life.


Gain the skills and tools to navigate your life with ease. Get the raise you've been waiting for, create and move into the perfect home, travel to all your dream destinations—whatever you envision, it begins right here, waiting to awaken inside of you.

Karmic Healing

Release patterns in this lifetime and past lifetimes in order to move stagnant energy.

Synchronize Reality

Go deep with meditations to integrate your soul light, and activate your highest potential.

Activate & Heal

Receive activations and implement practices for all the organs and energetic bodies.


🌟 Expand your mental capacity to make decisions with powerful clarity.

🌟 Understand your emotional body on a whole new level, solving and integrating problems before they arise.

🌟 Maximize your energy and achieve your goals with ease.

🌟 Strengthen your body and organ health and unlock codes of longevity.

🌟 Learn and access the energetic tools you need in order to make your dream a reality.

🌟 Fulfill your soul purpose and align with your best life.

Light up the world.

If you want to achieve anything in life, you have to first transform the vehicle that you are operating from.

Every single one of us goes through emotions, trauma, pain, suffering, and if you can learn to manage this in the physical body, you're able to manage your reality.


Because everything moves through the organs, and each organ represents a specific frequency in vibration that creates the wholeness of you.

Master Thyself, Master Your Life


I am so grateful for this community and Igor’s teaching. You truly are an angel earth. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. 🙏🏻❤️ — Adina Darie

Since I’ve been doing these meditations I feel like I’m more creative, colors are’s also easier to deal with challenging family members and life in general. Although I still have physical challenges in my Vagus nerve, heart palpitations and my back pain I have hope that I’m not limited to feeling this way for ever. Every day is a new me. — Shannon James

I feel changes in me every day both physically and mentally. I really enjoy the guided meditations. I can feel the energy moving through me and activating my organs. Moving those old emotions, releasing them. — Shannon James

🕊️ I can’t put into words for today how grateful I’m to starting the day the week with this amazing practice and visualization, and setting a goal like this . 💖💖 — Jewelmoon M Nagy

I’ve hidden my heart from others, protecting it from heartbreak by wearing many faces… ones that I thought the other person wanted to see, but never letting them see the true me until I knew they were safe. This week’s heart activation has brought this awareness of myself to the forefront so it can be healed, and all the “faces” brought into balance. — Amanda Bayer

I am currently in week 5 and the journey has been beyond anything I could have thought of. It’s truly a beautiful process, life changing,with results of peace and alignment with self. I always thought I needed to find my purpose, reach to the highest of lights and seek out what I’m supposed to do in my work and as a human being here on earth. It’s all that but different. I sit in the now and believe I can create my own reality however it shows up in my heart. There is no trying, pushing or anything. I’ve reunited with my father with love, my mother with love and have no resistance towards any person who hurt me. And on paper, trust me, this human went through some of the most horrific religious cult induced experiences. We all have our story. Now, that story no longer exists, not just forgiven but no longer lingering in my physical or my field. I’m not a survivor of trauma or cancer anymore, I’m in alignment with my inner Light. When another fear shows up, or there is a blockage, I’ll take the tools from the Academy and clear it. All it takes is willingness. It’s your own path. It’s so worth it!! — Chip Viau

Started with first and last breath works, completed my organs massage. After work I did Brain Activation, with the spine stretching as well. Just now, before bed I completed Toroidal Field activation. I did it yesterday for the first time and OMF did I FEEL. The love and calmness, just pure LOVE for everything and nothing at all. This is incredible to me to be able to feel it. I just want to close my eyes and get back to that state again! 🙏🏼🤯✨✨✨✨ — Katya Sysolyatina

I did this education and activation with no expectation. Wow! At first, I felt emotional pain in my neck. A little background here - most of the vertebrae in my neck are herniated due to being born with a broken collarbone. This has caused me much physical and emotional pain over the years. I am glad this showed up and trust that this, too, will be transmuted. Will be doing this activation again. Feeling gratitude to be a part of this information and community! ❤️ — Malana McLellan

You must try the [Igor’s] guided meditations. You will definitely feel a lot of healing happening and the energies stabilizing in all your bodies... They are truly divine, high frequencies. 💗— Zahira Walker

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